Load cells & water bags

Load cells & water bags are used in industries where large tons of loads are lifted. When it is lifted, it is important to know the load limit of the lifting gear, as otherwise it will destroy the lifting equipment.

Load cells are used to measure weight, such as cranes lift. It helps to show if you are possibly lifting too much and how much you have lifted in a given period. Our load cells are available with cable or wireless. The measuring equipment is applied where to be measured, and often it is a shackle that is used, as this is the one you lift with. When it is lifted, it is possible to see how many tons / kg that are being lifted, and from here the numbers go into a system so that from there, you can see how much you have lifted in a given period.

Load cells are also used to test how much a given product can withstand and whether the products comply with applicable rules. Our test equipment includes, among other things, water bags that are used to fill water in to see how much a given lifting equipment can withstand and whether it complies with the rules.

We can also come to you and test your products for you. See more about what kind of services we can provide HERE

Load cells

  • Tensile cabled load cell

  • Load link – remote

  • Load shackle

  • Cabled load shackle

  • Underwater load shackle

Water bags

  • Waterbag for cranetest – from 3 to 100 ton

  • Connector for waterbags

  • Quick connector for waterbag

Take a look at what we can offer you

Dynamometre & vandsække, løftegrej og surring, produkt oversigt

Take a closer look at what we can offer you within load cells & water bags, by downloading our chapter below

Besides our load cells & water bags we have many other quality products, so take a closer look at what we offer, by viewing our full catalogue below

produktkatalog - Anodes in zinc & aluminum

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- Nos A/S salgskonsulenter

Martin Qvist Tyron

Winnie Huang Tinglef

Winnie Huang Tinglef

Sandra Hansen

Sandra Hansen

Sanne Sørensen

Sanne Sørensen