Sales team

Our sales team are ready to receive your inquiry

We are always available 24/7 to advise you or ready to give you an offer. so don’t hesitat to call us, +45 7669 7070 or send an mail

Martin Qvist Tyron

Martin Qvist Tyron

Internal Sales Manager


Winnie Huang Tinglef

Winnie Huang Tinglef

Purchase Manager & Special Marine


Sandra Hansen

Sandra Hansen

Sales Coordinator

Kenneth Bredahl

Kenneth Bredahl

Sales Coordinator

Windie Seleski Brandt Hansen

Windie S. B. Hansen

Sales Coordinator​

Roland Boysen

Roland Boysen

Managing Director

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Jane Thomsen

Sales Coordinator

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Pia Broe Worsøe

Sales Coordinator

Take a look at what we can offer you

Our sales-team are always ready to help you with your assignment. If you have any special requests for a product in our catalog, then we are able to help you. If jo i.e. need a longer steel wire rope or a bigger fiber rope (than the sizes in our catalogue) then we will find it for you.

But take a look in our catalogue below to see if there is anything we should find for you:


We have our own rigging workshop

rigning, salgsafdeling, salgskonsulenter

We have our own rigging workshop, where our skilled riggers do weldings,  splejsning mm. We have the facilities to make the products which you need.

Read more about our rigging workshop below